Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Updates on the HPB saga

Hmm. It does seem that this has come to a little checkpoint of sorts. Not that I would expect this to be the end. In fact, I'm really interested in what those who oppose have to say about the Health Minister's endorsement of HPB's FAQ.

I think Mr Gan has taken a very logical approach to this matter. In response to another MP's questions on how heterosexual relationships are similar to same-sex relationships, he says the following:
[The FAQ highlights] that relationships require commitment, and it is possible to remain faithful to one’s partner, regardless of one’s sexual orientation. This drives home a key STI and HIV prevention message to ‘Be faithful’ to one’s partner, rather than to have multiple partners. This helps to protect individuals from STIs and HIV, minimise transmission risks, and thereby safeguarding public health.
To which I say, yes! Common sense has prevailed! That was the whole freaking point of putting up the FAQ on the Health Promotion Board website.

But before we rejoice in this little nugget of an update, we should note that no word has been said of the links to the LGBT support groups that were originally part of the FAQ. Sexual health may have been the focus of the FAQ, but removing the potential sources of help for troubled LGBT people does little to improve their state of mental well-being.

Really, I am open to the Church having a say in this. We can have links to whoever they think are good for people affected by their sexuality next to Oogachaga, SAFE, and AFA Singapore. The people who need help can then choose who they think is best for them.

(after 10 minutes of deliberation)

Then again, I'm gonna have to take back my suggestion for fear that parents of LGBT children are going to make their choices for them. That would suck. Big time.

Still, I'm really hoping at least one of the LGBT support groups can work with the HPB to provide the same services they are providing now, but as a recognized and accepted part of the Health Ministry. Sure, we might have to bite our tongue so we do not offend the conservatives, lest they think we're partnering the HPB simply to 'push the homosexual agenda'. But if the people who need help get their help, I think it's a good start.

I'm looking forward to the newspapers tomorrow. You should too.

-Timothy Lastname

Here's the link to the original article: http://m.todayonline.com/singapore/hpbs-sexuality-faqs-provide-advice-public-health-perspective-minister

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