Sunday, October 2, 2011


In case you didn't know, countries and ships are referred to using gender-specific pronouns. In this case, feminine pronouns.

Now on to the story.

Eight-year-old cousin asked his dad how old he was today. His dad - my uncle - was born in 1965, so he asked my cousin how old Singapore was. Seeing how that little loser is totally oblivious to national matters of even the insignificant kind, he didn't manage to get that answered.

Instead, he replied with "Singapore is boy or girl, har?"

Uncle, in mouthfuls of Malaysianised Mandarin you'd likely hear from the fella with dyed hair who sells mobile phones at some place in Clementi: "Haiya, country don't have boy or girl one la."

(And here's where I wanted to cut in but was too lazy to do so)

Cousin: Not boy and not girl? Don't tell me is gay. Singapore is gay. You say not boy and not girl means gay lor.

Uncle: Where got country like that one?

Cousin: Got. You give him/her/it* a long hair vig(sic) then can lor.
*that part of the conversation was in Mandarin i.e. he/she/it all sound the same


First, whoever gave him that idea should go stab him/herself. Second, I think he's beginning to turn to Indian.

A vig.
