Thursday, September 15, 2011


Anyone of you ever had the kinda feeling where it's not just a passing glance the person you were looking at was giving you?

It's like you've met somewhere before -probably online- but neither of you are taking the initiative to ask cos you're just passing by by coincidence. 

I wouldn't call it a glance. It's more like a passing but nonetheless intense gaze. 

Withheld knowledge and those knowing eyes. 

We stared at each other so long I guess you could assume I said hi.

Lol.    :D

Anyway, I had this random thought: say this not-straight close friend of yours gets into some accident  and loses his memory. He no longer remembers anything about his queer life and could now possibly be open to girls which would be a great relief to his family. What would you do?

This could be a good movie, I so very think.